3 min readJun 5, 2021


When everyone hears about the topic ‘Injustice to women’ what usually comes to their mind is, Gender inequality, violence of all sorts, sexual and domestic, gender discrimination, marital and parental rights, and so on…. But, how many of us have thought about the women in our life, who grew with us, who we grow old with us, and who raised us. Not every woman in the world is lucky enough to be born in the most supportive family as a girl or do they have a say in their marriages, get a supportive life partner and the list again is endless as the injustices women suffer around the world. I have always wondered as to what injustices are, are they just the ones that are termed as injustice by society? Or are they the ones stated in the law books? If so then what about the ones they go through daily?

Let’s begin to list the possible actions that they come across daily that I see as injustice. Being a mother to children could be nerve-wracking but she does it all with a magnificent smile on her face. Raising and taking care of us even before we were born. Do we know what she had to go through before giving birth excluding the pain during birth, she was blamed for the gender of the child which was scientifically impossible yet possible in our country. There were times when women died giving birth to children just because they were treated as a tool to give an heir to the husband’s family. Now, coming to the case where the child born was a girl child, being born in a supportive family is the greatest boon a girl can have though she struggles through her career she has her family to encourage and back her up. While the girl born in an unsupportive family becomes a rag doll to be tossed around or an unpaid servant to do household work. Some girls grow up with education just because of the laws restricting marriage below a certain age which was 18 and 21 at the moment. Those who get married into the wrong family go through the same hell all her life or starts her very own journey through a new hell. Growing up from a small and fragile girl to a strong woman who brings a new life to the world, which becomes the sole reason for her living. The reason for her living can in turn make her or break her. All these are an injustice to women in their very own way. Injustices the women suffer are not just sexual abuse, domestic abuse, and gender discrimination but also ignoring their mere existence, lack of appreciation, lack of compassion, alienizing her in every action is an injustice to her.

Our mothers were the ones who gave birth to us, raised us, and fed us, they were also the ones who answered our silly questions patiently and appreciated us for anything we did when we were young but when was the last time you had a peaceful conversation with her? When was the last time you appreciated her or her cooking? Wasn’t she also a girl with a dream, before she became our mother and a wife to our fathers. Wasn’t she also a woman who was chasing her career before she became someone’s wife? As Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages.

Just like men, a woman takes on different roles in her time. The woman going through such injustice could be your daughter, your wife, your friend, your colleague, your sister, so instead of thinking of the women mentioned as just some women, think of her as your family, start from your family if you ever want to stop injustice against women. Since every problem should be uprooted from its bottom.

